A Childlike Faith (Part 1)


LaToya C. Dawson

Matthew 19:13-15 “Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 But Jesus said, Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven. And He laid His hands on them and departed from there.

A few months ago the Holy Spirit laid it on my heart to start serving in the children’s ministry at my church. Now, anyone that knows me, especially my church family, can vouch for me when I use to make it plain and clear that I, Latoya C. Dawson will never serve in children’s ministry. The issue was not that I did not like children. I always felt like they did not like me. We just could never understand each other’s language. I know now that children are a blessing from God. Before I became a follower of Jesus, out here in the world “living my best life,” I told myself that I did not want children because they cost too much, they need lots of attention, and I will have to be responsible for someone else’s life for the next 18yrs. I did not want that responsibility. But then the Lord grabbed a hold of my heart and gave me the desire of wanting a family. But let me be clear, I just knew that God was going to fulfill his desire without me having to serve in anyone’s children’s ministry. Even though God changed my heart and desire to align with his will for my life concerning a family, I still had seasons in my life when I would go back and forth with God about these desires. Some seasons I would give God my “YES,” and then there were seasons where I was like you know what God, I’m good, or as the young folks say today, “I’m Gucci,” because deep down I felt like I can do more for God and His kingdom by remaining single. I must say that I blame the Apostle Paul for taking me down a rabbit trail of indecisiveness when it came to this topic discussion with God. Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7:34a-35, “There is a difference between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman cares about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit. 35- And this I say for your own profit, not that I may put a leash on you, but for what is proper, and that you may serve the Lord without distraction.” Oh how I would praise and shout with joy every time I wanted to convince God to change his mind because of this very passage of scripture. I was and still am someone who has not only learned contentment in my season of singleness, but I also embraced it with such joy and I love it. And let’s not forget, I have so much PEACE in my life. You know how many married couples out here are unhappy and come home to a house where there is no peace? Now who would want to give up their joy and peace in their singleness for a disruption and distraction in their unhappy marriage? This is the case that I would present to God. After awhile I just gave up trying to convince him because one thing I know about God is that he loves writing new love stories.

So when I started serving in children’s ministry and interacting with the children, I began to watch and study them. Here are a few observations I saw in just the short amount of time that I have been serving the children. 1. Children are fearless. They have such a boldness. Children are not afraid to dream BIG. 2. Children have such a pure innocence about them even when they are being disruptive in class. 3. Children trust easily. 4. Children believe. 5. Children obey. Children have no type fear that can hinder their trust to believe, whatever that may look like to them. I believe this is why when the disciples rebuked the children from coming to Jesus, he had to rebuke them back and say “do not forbid them.” The disciples did not realize in the moment of their rebuke to the children that were hindering the innocence of their trust, that if Jesus did not correct the disciples, they would have caused the innocence of the children’s trust for Jesus to be robbed and tainted with fear.

It’s something about when you give God your “YES” for real out of your childlike faith, especially in the areas of your heart where you gave him the most resistance, that he can take your stony heart and turn it into a heart of flesh. Since I have been serving his babies, Jesus not only soften my heart and caused me to fall in love with children, but he also brought personal healing to my soul. He restored and redeemed the very innocence of my childhood that was stolen from me when I was a child. I have come to the realization and assurance in the present and future seasons of my life, that I am a gift from God to His Church and to those in the world who have not yet joined the family of God, and my gift and light is so needed for such a time as this. My gift and my light is not limited to just one specific race, gender, man, woman, boy, girl, sexual preference, or someone’s belief outside of Christianity. By the grace of God, I will be intentional to not put limits on God and how he chooses to use me for His glory. Jesus will never forbid anyone who comes to him in childlike faith. I mean why would he?

WORD OF WISDOM: The very area of your life where you are giving God the most resistance and not walking in childlike faith, is the very area He is trying to heal because there is someone waiting on the other side of your healing who is losing hope but need healing from the very thing you overcame by the blood of the lamb, and the word of your testimony. (Revelation 12:11) Your resisting God is holding up someone else’s healing, deliverance, and restoration. Get out of the way and walk in childlike faith. TRUST, BELIEVE, AND OBEY!!!


10 thoughts on “A Childlike Faith (Part 1)

  1. Outstanding!! This really touched my soul, to trust the Lord like a child and not lean on my own understanding.
    Thank you Latoya, Amazing Story!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The thing I absolutely love about children is that they are usually completely honest and trusting. I appreciate your thoughts..♥️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! Georgetta, I totally agree with you on that part. They sometimes are too honest to the point that they don’t have any filters. They just say what to comes to their mind. Thank you for sharing!!


  3. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about children and child like faith as the scripture is referenced by you in your blog. As far back as I can remember I always enjoyed children and wanted to be a teacher, and I was unable to go down that path, as my parents chose a different career path for me. But it has always brought joy to my heart to be around children and by worldly standards they don’t have things that could influence in terms of worldly goods (money, status, career) but instead they are 100% genuine and trusting. I also enjoy how they just love to play and my own granddaughter has made me realize how the simple playfulness of a child can put such joy in your heart. Chloe knows when she quite simply just tickles my feet it’s going to make me laugh and giggle just like her and it’s refreshing to my soul to enjoy her sweet demeanor. Again thank you for all your thoughts and sharing them on your blog !

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