God Has Already Chosen You Before You Said “YES” To Him.

Ephesians 1:4- “just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love…” (NKJV)

2 Timothy 1:9- “who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began..” (NKJV)

John 15:16- “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.” (NKJV)

The above reference scripture passages makes it perfectly clear that God has chosen us before he even laid the foundation of the world, and before time began. He chose us to bear fruit which consists of attributes or characteristics we as believers should have according to Galatians 5:22-23. We are first spirit beings, and we have a body and possess a soul. As spirit beings, before God gave the command for us to be born into the world, He had already chosen us in heaven where we were first created to be apart of His plan and purpose for the promise of redemption through his son Jesus Christ. Jesus was, is, and still to come the perfect and ultimate sacrifice who will provide a way for us to answer the holy calling with a sincere “YES.” When we say “YES” to God, we are coming into agreement with Him that we will yield our will to His and we will be intentional about walking in total obedience to His Word. God has and is still raising up obedient willing vessels that are going to say “YES” to the call no matter what it may cost. Ex. death, persecution, sufferings or tribulations. Apostle Paul says in Romans 8:37- “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who love us.” Oftentimes the spirit of fear immobilizes us and keeps us from moving forward in the plans of God even after we have given Him our “YES.” When you are chosen by God for real for real, nothing can stop or thwart his plans for your life. Hinderances and obstacles may cause delays, but never a denial from God. I have heard the saying, “You say you waiting on God, but God is waiting on you.” Knowing that you have already been chosen by God before the foundation of the world was laid, what is God waiting on from you? Could it be that He is waiting for you to try again, to trust again, and to believe Him the first time when He called you?

Remember, God is the Author and Finisher of our faith. He is also the one who have begun a good work in us and it will be Him that complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Romans 8:38-39 says, “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” No demon, nor mankind has the power or authority to abort God’s plan, purpose, and promise for your life even when you go back and forth with God about your “YES.” Are you fully persuaded that you have been chosen by God? In seasons where you have wrestled with God about your “YES,” whether or not you wanted to answer the call, I want to encourage you that your back and forth did not change His mind when He called you the first time!

I want to encourage you to stay in the race even when you wrestle with God about your “YES.” The Lord changes not. You were already chosen by Him before you said “YES” to Him.

Be Encouraged!

LaToya C. Dawson

A Childlike Faith (Part 1)


LaToya C. Dawson

Matthew 19:13-15 “Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 But Jesus said, Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven. And He laid His hands on them and departed from there.

A few months ago the Holy Spirit laid it on my heart to start serving in the children’s ministry at my church. Now, anyone that knows me, especially my church family, can vouch for me when I use to make it plain and clear that I, Latoya C. Dawson will never serve in children’s ministry. The issue was not that I did not like children. I always felt like they did not like me. We just could never understand each other’s language. I know now that children are a blessing from God. Before I became a follower of Jesus, out here in the world “living my best life,” I told myself that I did not want children because they cost too much, they need lots of attention, and I will have to be responsible for someone else’s life for the next 18yrs. I did not want that responsibility. But then the Lord grabbed a hold of my heart and gave me the desire of wanting a family. But let me be clear, I just knew that God was going to fulfill his desire without me having to serve in anyone’s children’s ministry. Even though God changed my heart and desire to align with his will for my life concerning a family, I still had seasons in my life when I would go back and forth with God about these desires. Some seasons I would give God my “YES,” and then there were seasons where I was like you know what God, I’m good, or as the young folks say today, “I’m Gucci,” because deep down I felt like I can do more for God and His kingdom by remaining single. I must say that I blame the Apostle Paul for taking me down a rabbit trail of indecisiveness when it came to this topic discussion with God. Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7:34a-35, “There is a difference between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman cares about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit. 35- And this I say for your own profit, not that I may put a leash on you, but for what is proper, and that you may serve the Lord without distraction.” Oh how I would praise and shout with joy every time I wanted to convince God to change his mind because of this very passage of scripture. I was and still am someone who has not only learned contentment in my season of singleness, but I also embraced it with such joy and I love it. And let’s not forget, I have so much PEACE in my life. You know how many married couples out here are unhappy and come home to a house where there is no peace? Now who would want to give up their joy and peace in their singleness for a disruption and distraction in their unhappy marriage? This is the case that I would present to God. After awhile I just gave up trying to convince him because one thing I know about God is that he loves writing new love stories.

So when I started serving in children’s ministry and interacting with the children, I began to watch and study them. Here are a few observations I saw in just the short amount of time that I have been serving the children. 1. Children are fearless. They have such a boldness. Children are not afraid to dream BIG. 2. Children have such a pure innocence about them even when they are being disruptive in class. 3. Children trust easily. 4. Children believe. 5. Children obey. Children have no type fear that can hinder their trust to believe, whatever that may look like to them. I believe this is why when the disciples rebuked the children from coming to Jesus, he had to rebuke them back and say “do not forbid them.” The disciples did not realize in the moment of their rebuke to the children that were hindering the innocence of their trust, that if Jesus did not correct the disciples, they would have caused the innocence of the children’s trust for Jesus to be robbed and tainted with fear.

It’s something about when you give God your “YES” for real out of your childlike faith, especially in the areas of your heart where you gave him the most resistance, that he can take your stony heart and turn it into a heart of flesh. Since I have been serving his babies, Jesus not only soften my heart and caused me to fall in love with children, but he also brought personal healing to my soul. He restored and redeemed the very innocence of my childhood that was stolen from me when I was a child. I have come to the realization and assurance in the present and future seasons of my life, that I am a gift from God to His Church and to those in the world who have not yet joined the family of God, and my gift and light is so needed for such a time as this. My gift and my light is not limited to just one specific race, gender, man, woman, boy, girl, sexual preference, or someone’s belief outside of Christianity. By the grace of God, I will be intentional to not put limits on God and how he chooses to use me for His glory. Jesus will never forbid anyone who comes to him in childlike faith. I mean why would he?

WORD OF WISDOM: The very area of your life where you are giving God the most resistance and not walking in childlike faith, is the very area He is trying to heal because there is someone waiting on the other side of your healing who is losing hope but need healing from the very thing you overcame by the blood of the lamb, and the word of your testimony. (Revelation 12:11) Your resisting God is holding up someone else’s healing, deliverance, and restoration. Get out of the way and walk in childlike faith. TRUST, BELIEVE, AND OBEY!!!



LaToya C. Dawson

Image result for images of heart being stitched

As I was in prayer and mediation this morning, I saw a vision of God performing surgery on the heart, which in this case is referring to the spirit. When I saw this vision I immediately thought about a very good friend of mine who is like a sister to me as the one in the vision whom God was working on, because she recently went through a season of spiritual brokenness. But as I got deeper into the vision, the Holy Spirit informed me that the healing that God is doing in this season is not only for my friend but for all who have experienced the same heartache and pain, but in different situations and circumstances.

In the vision I saw the heart having many lacerations in the same area. It was like the greater the lacerations were, the deeper the wounds became just in that one particular area of the heart. I can see the hand of God cleaning up the wound from all the filth and bacteria caused by harsh words spoken, betrayal, manipulation, lies, deceit, and the discouragement and disappointment from loved ones.

As the hand of God is cleaning up the wound, he is whispers in the ear, “By my wounds you have been healed.” He then begins to stitch up the open wound. Each stitch represents his love, tenderness, gentleness, compassion, grace, mercy, and truth. The person in the vision experiences a sense of peace in their heart and begins to embrace the healing process. It is now time for the stitches to be removed, but wait there is one problem, the stitches left a scar! The scar was left there as a reminder that whatever heartache and pain you went through, whether as a child, a teenager, or as an adult, the lacerations that Jesus took on your behalf before going to the cross is a representation of his healing power over the wounds caused by you and others. The scar represents Christ’s forgiveness towards you and now you have the power to forgive yourself and others.

Do not allow the open wounds of your heart to remain open. If not treated with the love of Jesus Christ, it will spread like cancer and contaminate the mind and body; the other necessary parts of the human soul that makes us who we are in Christ Jesus

Isaiah 53:5- “But he was pierced for our transgression, crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” NIV

2 Chronicles 16:9- “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” NIV

May the Lord Bless You and Keep You This Week! And May His Face Shine upon You!!!

 In Jesus Name,


Qualities a Woman of Integrity Should Possess: (A Woman not given to much wine)

According to Titus 2:3-5– 3-the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things–4-that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5-to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.

Last week’s blog post was a pretty tough one for me, however it was very necessary. I often hear people say, “when you know better, you do better.” I say according to John 8:32-“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” After releasing my blog post last week about what it means for us as women with integrity to not be slanderers, and sharing my personal convictions and struggles in the area of slandering and gossiping, I found myself in conversations where I was listening to people, but more so with my ears in tuned to the Holy Spirit waiting on his instructions on what to say or not say. I found myself instead of agreeing with them, I challenged them to change their perspective in what they were perceiving. Now, I have a responsibility to God, my church, my family, my workplace, my community, and myself to live up to this standard and to abide in God’s word on this very subject matter.

This week’s quality may be sensitive to some, however necessary for all who read this blog. If you have not read the last three blog posts, I would highly encourage you to do so. They will really bless your soul. Today’s 3rd quality/characteristic that I will be discussing is what does it mean to be a woman with integrity who is not given to much wine. First, allow me to make one thing clear, drinking is not something that God prohibited in His Word. Remember, Jesus’ first miracle was turning water into wine. This verse is simply implying that we should not over indulge in the consumption of alcohol. We are not to drink wine with the intent of getting drunk, lit, twisted, turnt up, wasted or whatever phrase speaks to your current culture or sphere of influence. Wine should not be something we consume daily or any other alcoholic beverage in that case. I have seen where people have indulged wine or any other alcoholic beverage and used it as a suppressant to deal with depression or anxiety. We as women called to live a life of integrity should not be consuming wine to help us deal with emotional wounds or battles. For example, some women may drink a glass of wine simply because they had a hard day at work and they just want a glass to drink to kind of wind down, or some drink a glass because their children and husband have drove them up a crazy wall all day and they just want to have moment. Here is where integrity comes in; both examples are not bad at all. The question we must ask ourself is drinking this glass going to make me feel better or worse? Because you can have glass of wine and go to work the next day and have another hard day, or your children and spouse can drive up a wall again the next day. If every time you dealing with the cares of life that can leave you drained, that’s where we start to entertain our emotions with things are not healthy for our temple such as too much consumption of wine/alcohol. This is where honesty and intentionality comes into play. Will you be honest with yourself without feeling condemned or guilty about your reason for consuming too much wine and can you be intentional about your motives and intents to why you decided to have a glass of wine.

I personally do not keep wine in my house, however, I have in times past. Every once in a blue moon I will have a glass of moscato when there is some type of celebration. For example, a birthday, wedding, or promotion. There are times that I can attend such functions or celebrations and not have one glass. It’s about the discipline for me. We as Christians adapt more to culture than to following the principles found in God’s word. There is a misconception that wine is not as toxic or bad as liquor, such as Hennessy, Vodka, Patron, Jack Daniels, Rum, etc. Yes, I know these brands and have tried them if not all, then most. I have not be saved all of my life. I once lived life on the edge. That’s what being in the Navy at young age, your first time ever leaving home and having a sense of freedom do to you. As I mention earlier, anything that you over indulge in whether wine or liquor that can alter your thinking and make you inebriated is not good.

We as women called to live a life of integrity have to be the example and lead by example for our daughters, granddaughters, nieces, cousins, and this generation of young women who may not have the guidance needed in their homes. Whether we realize it or not, people are always watching us, either to become inspired and motivated or watching for our downfall. It is time for us to stop stumbling and fumbling and rise up to the standard that God called us to as women of integrity. There has to be a calling out so that we can come up in Him. Let’s be the example, not be made an example of. Let the Fruit of the Spirit of self-control be evident in every area of our life.

May the Lord Bless You and Keep You. May His face shine upon you this week!!!

In Jesus Name, Amen!!!

Qualities a Woman with Integrity Should Possess: (What does it mean to not be a SLANDERER)

According to Titus 2:3, “the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, NOT SLANDERERS…..”

This week’s blog post, I must say will be the most authentic and transparent post that I have written thus far. Before I started typing this week’s content, I prayed, and I asked God to please help me make this week’s blog post as authentic and transparent as possible. One thing that I do know for sure, is that people value and appreciate true authenticity and transparency. Being authentically you unapologetically can be the key to unlocking someone else’s freedom from guilt and shame. It seems like in the moment when you open up and share your weaknesses and truth with people you know or do not know, it’s like you start receiving not only “praises” for your transparency, but then the lines of confession opens up. People start sharing with you their personal struggles and weaknesses in or around the same area you have just shared. There is a saying that I have heard people in the Body of Christ and people who are not yet believers say, “Tell the truth and shame the devil.” I believe that there is so much truth to that saying. According to Revelation 12:10, Satan is described as the accuser of the brethren. So, here’s how you shut the devil up and keep him from going before God accusing you of things you have done; YOU TELL ON YOUR OWN SELF. YOU SHARE YOUR TRUTH. The Good News is that whatever you have done that was not pleasing in the eyes of God, Jesus already paid the price and has granted you forgiveness, mercy, and grace. Nothing that we have done or will ever do, will catch God by surprise. Jesus is our High Priest who has given us the ministry of reconciliation between us and the Father. Go ahead and take a deep breath!!! This is what Satan does not want people to know and believe about Jesus Christ.

This week’s quality/characteristic that I will be discussing according to Titus 2:3, is what does it mean for us as women of integrity to not be “slanderers.”

Slanderer- A person who slanders, is one who damages the reputation of one by making a false spoken statement about that person. Synonyms: defamation, character assassination, malicious gossip, backbiting, false accusation.

We all at some point of our lives and even now have either said or entertained conversations about others that were not necessarily true or have not been proven to be true or false. If you are reading this post, and you have never engaged in slander/gossip conversations about anyone, God Bless you! Remember, tell the truth and shame the devil. As I mentioned in the introduction to this post, people value and appreciate true authenticity and transparency. This week, I’m going to shut the devil up by sharing my personal weaknesses and convictions about entertaining or engaging in conversations that was about others that were not true or have not been proven to be true or false. I’m going to share some insights to what it should look like for us as women of integrity who are called to speak life, and pour into and mentor others. This is a calling out with the intent for us all to COME UP and take our rightful seat as women of INTEGRITY so that the Word of God will not be blasphemed.

I have found myself at times engaging in conversations that were full of slander and gossip. I knew this was wrong, but for some reason I just could not break away from these conversations or have the guts to open up my mouth and call the person out. I found myself often after engaging or entertaining in these type of conversations, asking God to forgive me. Until, one day all the times I prayed and asked for God’s forgiveness required me to take action. One of the things that I learned about myself and why I felt the need to continue on this path even though I knew it was wrong, was my fear of rejection. Oftentimes, we know that what we are doing is wrong, but because we fear man and not God, we succumb to the fear of man because of the fear of rejection. So, I had to choose, was I going to live a life in fear of man or was I going to surrender and yield my heart to God because I fear Him. Having the fear of God is not a “scary/afraid” type of fear, it is a fear that you honor and reverence God with. There were relationships that I had to walk away from because they were more damaging than fruitful not just on their part, but mine as well. One thing that slander does when you listen and come in agreement with the lies, is that it causes you to misjudge the very person being slandered. I often share this quote with people that the Lord gave me, “Your experience does not have to be my reality.” Just because someone had a bad experience with another person, that now they feel like they can slander/gossip, does not mean that will be my experience with that same person. I have learned and I am still learning to get to know people for myself in spite of what other people are saying. The Holy Spirit said to me one day, that I am called to be God’s mouthpiece and if I continue to engage in toxic conversations then when I open up my mouth to prophesy, I will not be prophesying from the Spirit and heart of God, but of the lies from man.” I would cause more hurt than hope and be a misrepresentation of the expressions of the Father’s heart.

My current pastor said in a previous sermon he taught, “If people feel comfortable coming to you with gossip, then you have to ask yourself what is it about me that makes them feel comfortable.” Those very words crushed all ten of my fingers and toes at once. I am going to say OUCH for myself!! That’s when the light bulb came on and the conviction was so strong that it penetrated my very soul. I knew at that moment God was calling me out so that I can COME UP to a higher standard. James 4:29 says, “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to hearers.” If I don’t have anything good to say in the moment, then I just keep my mouth shut. God told me that we sometimes have what he calls a “double tongue” The “double tongue” can be found in James 3:8-10, “But no man can tame the tongue. It is unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.” I’m going to say OUCH and AMEN!!!

Satan has changed the language to this slander/gossip thing, that you will hear people say something like, “I need to vent off” Venting off is the new slander/gossip trend. This is how you shut that conversation down before it even starts. If someone comes to you and says, “Hey I need to “vent off”, do you have a moment to listen.” Ask them this question. Is what you are about to “vent off” to me about cause us to fall into the temptation of engaging in a conversation that will slander someone? If they answer with a quick NO! THEN RUN………because that’s how you will be able to discern that their intentions were not from a pure place in their heart. If the answer is a slow NO, then that question gave them time to ponder on the motive of their heart. One thing my therapist taught me, is that if you have to share a concern or “vent” make sure that you keep the concern about you. Make sure you share your concerns without damaging someone else’s character or reputation. That’s how you keep yourself from engaging in gossip.

We as women of integrity should carry ourselves in such a way that we do not subscribe or succumb presumptuously to accusations or assumptions about others without doing our own research, praying and listening for the counsel of God. People who are intentional about slandering others, will never speak truth about someone else or even themselves because they lack the knowledge and revelation of their own identity and purpose.

With all that I have shared in this week’s blog, please don’t assume that I have mastered this thing or have made my arrival. I still have missed the mark at times, but one thing that I can say is that now I am more intentional and conscientious about 1- the company I keep and 2- the type of conversations I engage in. I have now been called out by God to set the example and set the trend. God’s strength is made perfect in my weakness. That does not mean that God will not hold me accountable, but what it does mean is that I don’t have to rely on my own strength because when I do, I will fail.


May the Lord keep you and bless you this week!!!


LaToya C. Dawson

The Qualities of a Woman with Integrity: The Need for More Women Mentors.

According to Titus 2:3-5 (NKJV)

Titus 2:3-5 says, “3 the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things—4 that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.

Last week I gave you all an introduction of my personal testimony of how I desired so much for God to send someone who could mentor me. That very desire in which I wanted to see God fulfill that void in my heart came from growing up as little girl never hearing words of affirmations spoken over my life. The very void that was filled by God’s love is what led me to write about a topic that I am very passionate about; the need for more women mentors. Towards the end of last week’s blog post, I shared a revelation of what the Holy Spirit spoke to me about Christ calling me to be the mentor that I have been praying for. As you all journey with me on this path to becoming women who lead with Integrity, Authentic, Transparent, and Inspirational, my objective is to take each quality/characteristic and share with you all how we are to become demonstrations of these qualities so that we may become effective influencers within our sphere of influence; work, school, church, family and friends. Some of you may or may not have caught it, but in the above scripture verse, I highlighted “reverent in behavior.” This is the first quality I will be blogging about in this series for this week. So, let’s dive right in.

I would like start off with some word definitions. The two words I will be giving definitions for this particular topic are “Integrity and Reverent.”

Integrity– the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness

Reverent– feeling or showing deep and solemn respect. Synonyms: adoring, loving, devoted, devout, submissive, meek, humble.

A woman who is “reverent in behavior” is a woman who has a reverence for God, and she also is a woman who respects herself. A woman who is “reverent in behavior” is one who can set boundaries unapologetically. Her boundaries helps protect her integrity. When a woman who demonstrates the quality of being reverent, she shows it by how she dress, the company she keep, how she talk, in her moral principles and most importantly the way she sees herself as Jesus see her. A woman who is reverent is one who is respected by her peers and colleagues, or whatever her sphere of influence might be. There is a saying that goes in order to get respect, you have to earn it. Well, I would like to challenge that cliche by saying you cannot receive respect from people who can see clearly that you don’t respect yourself. When you learn how to respect yourself as a woman who is made in the image an likeness of God as his masterpiece, then you are freely able to reverence God and respect others, and in return people will respect you.

A woman who demonstrates the quality of being “reverent in behavior” is a woman who knows that her body is not her own, but she understands that it is a temple of God in which the Holy Spirit dwells. She understands the importance of being fully whole spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically because she reverences the God who made her. In most cases, quite a few of us women are not currently living or walking this path. However, the Good News is that God already had a plan of redemption to get us on the path to becoming women who are “reverent in behavior” and his name is Jesus!! We are all on a journey to purpose and destiny. No one woman journey is ever exactly the same as another woman. We will learn and grow together. God is not looking for perfection. In God’s eyes, purity always override perfection. As you go about your week after reading this week’s blog post, ask yourself this question: Am I living a life that demonstrates none, some or many of these characteristics of a woman who has reverence? Then ask God, where can I make improvements to becoming better at being a woman who is “reverent in behavior?”

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for this teaching today. May this blog not only be used to equip, edify, exhort, enlighten, and empower me to be a woman of integrity by demonstrating reverent behavior, but may it also do the same for those who will hear and lean into this teaching that will eventually lead them into total transformation of spiritual growth and maturity.

In Jesus Name, AMEN!!!

Qualities of an Integral Woman. The need for more Women Mentors.

According to Titus 2:3-5


When I gave my life to Christ in 2010, and as I was developing an intimate relationship with Him, I had this longing desire to be mentored. The desire came when I read the book of Ruth and seeing Ruth’s relationship with her mother in law Noami. I would pray and pray asking the Lord to send me a mentor, one who would take me under their wings and speak life and words of affirmation over me. Someone who would pour into me. See, growing up I never heard words of affirmations spoken over me. I never heard the words “I am proud of you.” There was a void in my heart that I was missing and was desperately desiring to experience what it felt liked to affirmed. There were relationships that I have encountered over the years that started off as a possibility of becoming a mentor/mentee relationship. But then I would discern something about either their character or lack of integrity that cause me to either run or put up a wall. Not realizing that as I was building my relationship with Christ, he was becoming all those things that I desired in a mentor. When I came to that realization, I understood that he was wanting to be my mentor in that season of seeking. It was not that he did not desire to answer my prayer, but he was pursuing me to desire him over man. From that moment I stopped praying for a mentor and learned how to lean into him and trust his timing. As I was growing in the knowledge of the Word and in my identity in Christ, I received a revelation from Holy Spirit who said, “You are called to be the solution other women and young girls are praying for, but I had to do the inner healing work in you so that when the women come, you will not mentor from a broken place but instead you will mentor and minister from a healed heart. That’s how you become an effective Catalyst for change. You are the Mentor you have been praying for.”

Now, do I have mentors today? The answer is Yes! I have learned that a mentor does not have to be someone you are in close relationship with, but he/she can be someone who pours into you without them ever knowing and you are always encouraged after you listen to their teachings or have read their books. You also take and apply the wisdom of God in them for your life.

As I have done the inner healing heart work, the Lord has laid it on my heart to start a series called “Qualities of an Integral Woman. The need for more Women Mentors”. According to Titus 2:3-5. The objective of this series is to take each quality mentioned in Titus 2:3-5 and give wisdom and insight to how we as older women should be living examples of what these qualities look like lived out with integrity, intentionality, and by way of influence, so that we can admonish and mentor younger women. There is a clarion call for women to rise up and take our place in our spheres of influence to lead the younger generation. Whether you discern it or not, Satan is after this generation and I declare and decree in the name of Jesus that Satan’s tactics and wicked devices will not prosper on our Watch!!!

Today, I wanted to present you all with a little introduction of how can this blog series came to life by way of a seed planted in my heart by Holy Spirit. Every week I will share one quality until I have covered every quality from verses 3-5 in Titus 2. The first quality discussed will be what does it mean to be a woman who is reverent in behavior. I am looking forward to walking on this journey with you all.


LaToya C. Dawson

Pick up where you left off!!!


Scriptures: Psalm 37:23-24, Proverbs 24:16A

Psalm 37:23-24: The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delights in his way.

24- Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholds him with his hand.

Proverbs 24:16A- For a just man falls seven times, and rises up again.



There will be times in our life along our spiritual journey where we will find ourselves not being exactly where we thought we should be or not where we need to be. The Bible tells us in Psalm 37:23, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delights in his way.” Verse 24 says, “Though he fall he shall not be utterly cast down, for the Lord will uphold him with his hand.” When God orders our steps He knows exactly when we may fall during the process of walking out the steps. That is why He goes on to say, “Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down. For the Lord will uphold him with his hand.” Proverbs 24:16 says, “A just man falls seven times and rises up again.”

I want to encourage you today that if there is something that God has ordered you to do and you have started or either you started but stumbled along the way; you need to get up and pick up where you left off. Whether God has told you to start a ministry, write a book, or start a business etc…., whatever it may be that He has ordered you to do pick up where you left off. God will hold you by His right hand of righteousness. Fear and doubt maybe what is keeping you from moving forward. Walking by sight instead of faith maybe what is keeping your gear shift in neutral. God has not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

If God said do it, then that is exactly what He means. Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. The enemy wants you to believe that you are not good enough, that you do not meet the qualifications required, that you do not fit the profile, or you do not have the background experience. Guess what the enemy has told you a lie! It is not about what man says about you, but it is about what God has already predestined for you. It is time for us in the Body of Christ to start walking in the Authority that God has given us through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Luke 10:19 says, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents, and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: And nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Today start decreeing and speaking into existence that I will no longer believe a lie, and since I no longer believe a lie, I will no longer live a lie. It’s not about how many times you have fallen, it is about the one time that you have rose up and stood firm. Get back up and try again. Don’t ever stay down to be counted out of the fight. When you hear the devil counting “1” jump up and continue to fight because God has already given you the victory to win. You may come out of the fight with bruises, scratches, scars, and cuts but guess what those are only temporary and it signifies that you did not give up, you made it to the end. After this you will not look like what you’ve been through. Pick up where you left off!!!

God is saying that this is the season where you need to pick up where you left off. No matter what it looks like, and no matter what it feels like just do it. God has already opened doors and provided the resources you are going to need.

In Jesus Name, Amen!!!


Latoya C. Dawson