LaToya C. Dawson

Image result for images of heart being stitched

As I was in prayer and mediation this morning, I saw a vision of God performing surgery on the heart, which in this case is referring to the spirit. When I saw this vision I immediately thought about a very good friend of mine who is like a sister to me as the one in the vision whom God was working on, because she recently went through a season of spiritual brokenness. But as I got deeper into the vision, the Holy Spirit informed me that the healing that God is doing in this season is not only for my friend but for all who have experienced the same heartache and pain, but in different situations and circumstances.

In the vision I saw the heart having many lacerations in the same area. It was like the greater the lacerations were, the deeper the wounds became just in that one particular area of the heart. I can see the hand of God cleaning up the wound from all the filth and bacteria caused by harsh words spoken, betrayal, manipulation, lies, deceit, and the discouragement and disappointment from loved ones.

As the hand of God is cleaning up the wound, he is whispers in the ear, “By my wounds you have been healed.” He then begins to stitch up the open wound. Each stitch represents his love, tenderness, gentleness, compassion, grace, mercy, and truth. The person in the vision experiences a sense of peace in their heart and begins to embrace the healing process. It is now time for the stitches to be removed, but wait there is one problem, the stitches left a scar! The scar was left there as a reminder that whatever heartache and pain you went through, whether as a child, a teenager, or as an adult, the lacerations that Jesus took on your behalf before going to the cross is a representation of his healing power over the wounds caused by you and others. The scar represents Christ’s forgiveness towards you and now you have the power to forgive yourself and others.

Do not allow the open wounds of your heart to remain open. If not treated with the love of Jesus Christ, it will spread like cancer and contaminate the mind and body; the other necessary parts of the human soul that makes us who we are in Christ Jesus

Isaiah 53:5- “But he was pierced for our transgression, crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” NIV

2 Chronicles 16:9- “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” NIV

May the Lord Bless You and Keep You This Week! And May His Face Shine upon You!!!

 In Jesus Name,


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