Qualities a Woman of Integrity Should Possess: (A Woman not given to much wine)

According to Titus 2:3-5– 3-the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things–4-that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5-to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.

Last week’s blog post was a pretty tough one for me, however it was very necessary. I often hear people say, “when you know better, you do better.” I say according to John 8:32-“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” After releasing my blog post last week about what it means for us as women with integrity to not be slanderers, and sharing my personal convictions and struggles in the area of slandering and gossiping, I found myself in conversations where I was listening to people, but more so with my ears in tuned to the Holy Spirit waiting on his instructions on what to say or not say. I found myself instead of agreeing with them, I challenged them to change their perspective in what they were perceiving. Now, I have a responsibility to God, my church, my family, my workplace, my community, and myself to live up to this standard and to abide in God’s word on this very subject matter.

This week’s quality may be sensitive to some, however necessary for all who read this blog. If you have not read the last three blog posts, I would highly encourage you to do so. They will really bless your soul. Today’s 3rd quality/characteristic that I will be discussing is what does it mean to be a woman with integrity who is not given to much wine. First, allow me to make one thing clear, drinking is not something that God prohibited in His Word. Remember, Jesus’ first miracle was turning water into wine. This verse is simply implying that we should not over indulge in the consumption of alcohol. We are not to drink wine with the intent of getting drunk, lit, twisted, turnt up, wasted or whatever phrase speaks to your current culture or sphere of influence. Wine should not be something we consume daily or any other alcoholic beverage in that case. I have seen where people have indulged wine or any other alcoholic beverage and used it as a suppressant to deal with depression or anxiety. We as women called to live a life of integrity should not be consuming wine to help us deal with emotional wounds or battles. For example, some women may drink a glass of wine simply because they had a hard day at work and they just want a glass to drink to kind of wind down, or some drink a glass because their children and husband have drove them up a crazy wall all day and they just want to have moment. Here is where integrity comes in; both examples are not bad at all. The question we must ask ourself is drinking this glass going to make me feel better or worse? Because you can have glass of wine and go to work the next day and have another hard day, or your children and spouse can drive up a wall again the next day. If every time you dealing with the cares of life that can leave you drained, that’s where we start to entertain our emotions with things are not healthy for our temple such as too much consumption of wine/alcohol. This is where honesty and intentionality comes into play. Will you be honest with yourself without feeling condemned or guilty about your reason for consuming too much wine and can you be intentional about your motives and intents to why you decided to have a glass of wine.

I personally do not keep wine in my house, however, I have in times past. Every once in a blue moon I will have a glass of moscato when there is some type of celebration. For example, a birthday, wedding, or promotion. There are times that I can attend such functions or celebrations and not have one glass. It’s about the discipline for me. We as Christians adapt more to culture than to following the principles found in God’s word. There is a misconception that wine is not as toxic or bad as liquor, such as Hennessy, Vodka, Patron, Jack Daniels, Rum, etc. Yes, I know these brands and have tried them if not all, then most. I have not be saved all of my life. I once lived life on the edge. That’s what being in the Navy at young age, your first time ever leaving home and having a sense of freedom do to you. As I mention earlier, anything that you over indulge in whether wine or liquor that can alter your thinking and make you inebriated is not good.

We as women called to live a life of integrity have to be the example and lead by example for our daughters, granddaughters, nieces, cousins, and this generation of young women who may not have the guidance needed in their homes. Whether we realize it or not, people are always watching us, either to become inspired and motivated or watching for our downfall. It is time for us to stop stumbling and fumbling and rise up to the standard that God called us to as women of integrity. There has to be a calling out so that we can come up in Him. Let’s be the example, not be made an example of. Let the Fruit of the Spirit of self-control be evident in every area of our life.

May the Lord Bless You and Keep You. May His face shine upon you this week!!!

In Jesus Name, Amen!!!

2 thoughts on “Qualities a Woman of Integrity Should Possess: (A Woman not given to much wine)

  1. Thank you Latoya for sharing on the blog I really appreciate everything you have written down. I watched my aunt who was an alcoholic and how much stress it put on my father (who was her brother)… so I determined at a very young age I was not going to go down that path. And I really appreciate everything you said that thankfully I learned at a young age and didn’t have to be challenged with through my adult years. Love your integrity and your sharing spirit❤️


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