The Qualities of a Woman with Integrity: The Need for More Women Mentors.

According to Titus 2:3-5 (NKJV)

Titus 2:3-5 says, “3 the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things—4 that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.

Last week I gave you all an introduction of my personal testimony of how I desired so much for God to send someone who could mentor me. That very desire in which I wanted to see God fulfill that void in my heart came from growing up as little girl never hearing words of affirmations spoken over my life. The very void that was filled by God’s love is what led me to write about a topic that I am very passionate about; the need for more women mentors. Towards the end of last week’s blog post, I shared a revelation of what the Holy Spirit spoke to me about Christ calling me to be the mentor that I have been praying for. As you all journey with me on this path to becoming women who lead with Integrity, Authentic, Transparent, and Inspirational, my objective is to take each quality/characteristic and share with you all how we are to become demonstrations of these qualities so that we may become effective influencers within our sphere of influence; work, school, church, family and friends. Some of you may or may not have caught it, but in the above scripture verse, I highlighted “reverent in behavior.” This is the first quality I will be blogging about in this series for this week. So, let’s dive right in.

I would like start off with some word definitions. The two words I will be giving definitions for this particular topic are “Integrity and Reverent.”

Integrity– the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness

Reverent– feeling or showing deep and solemn respect. Synonyms: adoring, loving, devoted, devout, submissive, meek, humble.

A woman who is “reverent in behavior” is a woman who has a reverence for God, and she also is a woman who respects herself. A woman who is “reverent in behavior” is one who can set boundaries unapologetically. Her boundaries helps protect her integrity. When a woman who demonstrates the quality of being reverent, she shows it by how she dress, the company she keep, how she talk, in her moral principles and most importantly the way she sees herself as Jesus see her. A woman who is reverent is one who is respected by her peers and colleagues, or whatever her sphere of influence might be. There is a saying that goes in order to get respect, you have to earn it. Well, I would like to challenge that cliche by saying you cannot receive respect from people who can see clearly that you don’t respect yourself. When you learn how to respect yourself as a woman who is made in the image an likeness of God as his masterpiece, then you are freely able to reverence God and respect others, and in return people will respect you.

A woman who demonstrates the quality of being “reverent in behavior” is a woman who knows that her body is not her own, but she understands that it is a temple of God in which the Holy Spirit dwells. She understands the importance of being fully whole spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically because she reverences the God who made her. In most cases, quite a few of us women are not currently living or walking this path. However, the Good News is that God already had a plan of redemption to get us on the path to becoming women who are “reverent in behavior” and his name is Jesus!! We are all on a journey to purpose and destiny. No one woman journey is ever exactly the same as another woman. We will learn and grow together. God is not looking for perfection. In God’s eyes, purity always override perfection. As you go about your week after reading this week’s blog post, ask yourself this question: Am I living a life that demonstrates none, some or many of these characteristics of a woman who has reverence? Then ask God, where can I make improvements to becoming better at being a woman who is “reverent in behavior?”

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for this teaching today. May this blog not only be used to equip, edify, exhort, enlighten, and empower me to be a woman of integrity by demonstrating reverent behavior, but may it also do the same for those who will hear and lean into this teaching that will eventually lead them into total transformation of spiritual growth and maturity.

In Jesus Name, AMEN!!!

3 thoughts on “The Qualities of a Woman with Integrity: The Need for More Women Mentors.

  1. Thank you for sharing so much detail in this article and thank you for sharing the scripture verses that I will study more this coming week…!

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